Brass Roll and Plate Iron

Brass Roll and Plate Iron

Brass Roll and Plate Iron

Copper is a red metal. Zinc is added to the color. As the percentage of zinc in the rice increases, the color approaches from red to golden yellow. The zinc content can be estimated from the color of the rice.

Brass is very tough and easy to process;

  • The content of white rice is less than 55%, so it cannot be processed easily. They can only be powdered and used for brazing.
  • Malleable brass generally contains more than 62% copper.
  • Alpha brass is processed cold and contains less copper. Alpha brass has superior cold processing properties and is widely used in bolts, pins and screws.
  • Beta rice requires hot treatment. Beta rice is less flexible, but more durable. They are especially used in the manufacture of faucet valves, door and window handles and some fittings.

The third group is rice;

  • aluminum brass is corrosion resistant.
  • Leaded rice is easy to process.
  • Tinned rice is resistant to the corrosive effect of sea water.
  • Rice Roll and Plate Hair
    • Brass Roll Hair
    • Brass Plate Hair
  • Other Cutting Shapes
  • Usage Areas
    • Automotive Industry
    • Textile Machinery Manufacturing
    • Electrical and Electronic Manufacturing
    • Construction Industry
    • Jewelery Manufacturing